Insatiable thirst

Lurking in corner of a dark valley

I silently watched you….

Your smile, your shining eyes

Unnerved me….

You were startled when 

I grabbed you from behind….

And In gleam of knife in my hand

I saw your eyes reflecting fear….

A strong adrenalin rush 

hit me hard….

Your vulnerability excited me…

Enticed me beyond measures….

As my blade teased you, 

kissed you….

Melody of your screams 

Intensified with pouring tears….

With finesse of a sculptor

I carved bruises on your body….

To let your blood drip…

Smell of which gave me 

orgasmic relief…..

Savouring every bit of your pain

I strolled towards my aim…

And leisurely sliced

your pulsating throat…

Feeling of your warm blood 

squirting all over my hands

aroused me….

But it was lifeless dead eyes….

That took my pleasure to apex….

Nothing amused me more 

Than watching life 

emptying your body…..

World of words

Words chained me
To a world…
Where I found myself
Standing all alone
Amidst inked walls…
With nothing but
Sound of fluttering pages….

Where words danced on
Chaos of emotions
And created mayhem
Of rhymes, songs and odes…..

Trudging deeper into that
Mystifying world
Made me bare my soul
And squeeze my frail heart
So as to paint a panorama of
Feelings and desires…

Pleasures of pain

With gentle callousness…

you inked my skin

With my own blood,

Branding me….

your territory.

As that cold knife 

stroked my skin

Inch by inch…

I felt heat building inside,

From desires unknown to me….

With every slash of blade

Tar trickled down my body….

And you….

Licked every drop of it

Like honey blobs….

Those bruises and bites

And scars and sores….

Nixed nightmares of past…

Sculpting new aches…

And a new me…

Yearning to bare myself

To Pleasures of pain…

That night

…. That night

Tears inked pages of my diary…

For my pen could not paint words

As dark as my thoughts….

Those shards of agony

Slipped from eyes….

To pierce through pages..

So that they bleed 

Verses of woe..

Poems of pain…
…That night 

I was not alone…

As my diary wept with me all night

And gulped down 

every drop of misery….

Devoured on 

every dismal thought…

So as to wake me up to

A new dawn…

A new rise….

Empty house

….And you left

Just like this…


The house is empty….

I am still standing there…

In stunned silence…

Trying to listen…

faint echo of your voice…

Of your laughter…


those leftover traces of

Your lingering scent…

Your intoxicating odour….

Drawing images of our memories

With my eyes…

In my eyes…

Clutching myself in my arms

To hold on to your embrace…

A little longer…

Right then and there

Once more,

I lost myself….

Then in you…

Now in your thoughts…